Golden Honey for the Win!

What an amazing year. After the resounding success of 2022, I decided that it was time to enter this honey into some local fairs to see how I would do. First, the Carp fair, which is one of the largest fall fairs in the Ottawa Valley. I put my Golden honey in and also my white honey, both from different hives. Wouldn’t you know it? My golden bottle placed first!

Well, this was the confidence I needed to step it up a level, after everyone was elling me how much they loved this stuff. I call it my “jolly rancher” honey, that literally tastes like a candy when you put it in your mouth. So smooth, so crystal clear. Definitely a winner.

Next? McDonalds Corners fair. This time I put all three kinds I had, White, Golden and my Amber (or fall) honey. I was super shocked to discover I had won two 1st Prizes and one 2nd! What an incredible morale booster, going into the big one…I was determined. I was going to enter the Royal Agricultural Fair in Toronto, ON and compete against the best in the province. I was that sure.

Fast forward to Nov 3, the big day, where I was so happy to find I had placed 8th of 18, right behind the well established hives of the Unversity of Guelph Apriaries. UofG actually has a beekeeping Undergraduate degree program.

I must say, I was super stoked to do so well in the first year. So many cheerleaders have to be thanked, and I am so humbled by the response I got online. Next year? I’m aiming for 1st at the Royal…it’s gonna be my year!!


Painted Hives blog post to come…