My Story

Welcome to the Queen’s Dream. in 2019, I was invited to move to a farm and play with my dogs on 16 acres of land, with the freedom to start whatever project I pleased. I moved in with a couple, and the woman in the couple was a beekeeper. She invited me to come and observe in her three hives, and from the cracking of the first lid, I was hooked. The world of the bees is fascinating, and frankly, miraculous. Bee colonies have a consciousness you can feel, and taking care of them is much more than pulling out and switching around frames.

In 2020, I had an end of season sale, where I was able to deliver over a thousand pounds of honey to hospitals and people in the GTA and beyond and it was a resounding success. I was able to get honey to people who wanted it without the huge shipping costs that exist today. I made a lot of personal deliveries and got to see a lot of people even though COVID was in full swing.

In 2021, I left the farm due to my good friend’s sudden tragic death. Since then I have made it my mission to repeat the success of that first year, to build up the business and make it my own.

In 2023, I expanded to 13 hives, and produced literally, a TON of honey! My Spring Golden honey won at two local fairs, and placed 8th at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto!

This year, I lost all my hives during the winter and my friends rallied, raising almost 3 thousand dollars so I could start over. There is not a lot of honey this year, but now I’ll be focusing on getting these guys through the winter and making a huge bumper year in 2025. Thanks to everyone for all the amazing support. I love you guys!!!

Learn about Julia’s Hive Art in her latest Blog Post here: